Wisdom tooth extraction involves a surgeon surgically removing your wisdom teeth while you are under general anesthetic.

Wisdom teeth are commonly known as your third molars. Most people have four wisdom teeth, but some people may not have any.

You may be wondering why you need your wisdom teeth removed. It is important to have your wisdom teeth removed for the following reasons.

  • Most people do not have room in their mouth for all of their teeth plus their wisdom teeth.
  • Wisdom teeth can lead to infection.
  • Your wisdom teeth can shift your teeth.
  • Your wisdom teeth can lead to jaw pain.

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Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

When you have your wisdom teeth removed, you can usually have it done at an outpatient surgery center.

The benefits of having a surgeon take out your wisdom teeth are numerous. Being put under a general anesthetic will allow the patient to relax and to not have to be awake and conscious during the procedure. This will take off a lot of stress and anxiety from the patient about the whole process. Our dentist is equipped to handle tooth extractions.

Step 1: The first step in the wisdom teeth removal process it to put the patient under a general anesthetic. A general anesthetic will make the patient fall asleep through the whole surgery.

Step 2: After the patient is asleep and numb, the surgeon will them open up the gums. By opening up the gums, the surgeon can then see if there is any bone that needs to be removed before extracting the teeth.

Step 3: Next, the surgeon will remove the tissue that connects to the bone and the tooth. The surgeon may pull the entire tooth, or they may cut the tooth in into smaller pieces that will be easier to remove.

Step 4: The surgeon will then stitch up your gums if they need to be stitched. These stitches usually dissolve within a few days.


Wisdom Teeth Extractions – Frequently Asked Questions

The healing process for a wisdom tooth extraction surgery is fairly fast, about 2-3 days.

You should plan on taking off at least a day or two from work to be able to rest and heal. The first 24 hours you will be bleeding a little bit and will need to use an ice pack.

During the healing process you will need to rinse your mouth with a warm salt water solution.

One your numbness wears off you may feel a little discomfort. Your surgeon can prescribe a painkiller to help with the pain.
 While many, if not most, people do end up having their wisdom teeth removed, there are some occasions when they don’t have to be taken out.

If there is enough room in the mouth, which there isn’t for many people, the wisdom teeth can stay.

After everybody’s wisdom teeth removal procedure their cheeks will swell. However, the severity of the swelling will vary between every person.

The swelling will reach it’s peak anywhere between twenty-four and forty-eight hours.

Sometimes one set of wisdom teeth, either the top or the bottom, will grow in without issue.

But, when the second set grows in there can be some discomfort or crowding. When this happens only one set will have to be removed.

Whether or not your wisdom tooth removal surgery will be covered by insurance depends in what insurance provider you have and how extensive your plan is.

Most providers will cover wisdom tooth extractions that are medically necessary. Contact your provider to be sure exactly what your plan will cover.

The first step in wisdom tooth removal is to receive a shot of local anesthetic to desensitize the tooth and the gum around it. You can also get a mild sedative to aid in relaxation, if you so choose.

A broken wisdom tooth is removed in much the same way that an undamaged tooth is. The socket of the tooth may have to be widened enough to fit the tooth out and the tooth may have to be cut into smaller pieces to make it easier to remove.

The removal of a wisdom tooth can take as few as five minutes for an easy or average procedure or it can take upwards of twenty minutes for a more complicated situations.

Complicated procedures are usually performed in a hospital setting.

There will be some soreness after your surgery. If the removal was complicated the pain will be worse. There will be some swelling in your cheeks and mouth.

You may also have a stiff or sore jaw for about a week following your procedure. If you were not prescribed painkillers by your doctor, you can use an everyday one like ibuprofen.

For the first few days after the procedure you should avoid solid foods. Eat foods like broth, gelatin, thin smoothies, and pudding for at least four days and don’t use a straw, as the sucking motion can loosen the blood clots that help the healing process.

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